Monday, November 1, 2010

Alcohol Worse Than Heroin

One year ago the British Government's chief drugs adviser and head of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs Professor David Nutt made stoner news by having a silly last name and also publicly disagreeing with the government's decision to re-classify Cannabis as a Class B drug.

Home Secretary Alan Johnson responded to Nutt's criticism by firing him.

Nutt claimed that based on the science, his expert opinion was that Cannabis was less harmful than Alcohol or Tobacco and that the reclassification was solely for political reasons. Mr Johnson said Prof Nutt had "acted in a way that undermined the government rather than supporting its work" claiming Nut was "crossing the line" into politics.

The row caused such a fuss that it prompted 5 resignations; Clinical director Marion Walker, Dr Les King and then psychologist Dr John Marsden, chemist Simon Campbell, and pharmaceutical consultant Ian Ragan all from the ACMD.

In an even hilarious twist, his replacement, pharmacology specialist Professor Les Iversen who wrote an article in 2003, stating that that cannabis had been "incorrectly" classified as a dangerous drug for almost 50 years and said it was one of the "safer" recreational drugs, changed his tune claiming 'he had since changed his mind because of new evidence about the dangers of cannabis'.

Well Nutt has returned with a new report published in the medical journal the Lancet. Nutt and fellow former ACMD member Dr Les King founded the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs and produced a new study that shows our most dangerous drug is also our most popular and widely accepted.

The study scored each drug for harms including mental and physical damage, addiction, crime and costs to the economy and communities.

The modeling exercise concluded that heroin, crack and crystal meth, were the most harmful drugs to individuals, but alcohol, heroin and crack cocaine were the most harmful to society.

When the scores for both types of harm were added together, alcohol emerged as the most harmful drug, followed by heroin and crack.

Here's Nutt in your face Johnson.

Sorry I had to.


Friday, October 29, 2010

The US is bankrupt

I have found, if you want a clear picture of what is really happening in the world you need to follow the money. If you want to be lied to about non-issues, continue listening to the politicians. You need to look at the economic issues to understand the motives of these poo-slingers.

In July of this year Boston University Professor and economist Laurence Kotlikoff began warning "The US is bankrupt". Many of us non-sheep are aware of the official $13.5 Trillion US debt figure. Many don't seem too bothered by the fact that the debt is 60% of our Gross Domestic Product. Well according to Kotlikoff those numbers are a lie!

Writing in the September issue of Finance and Development (an IMF publication) Kotlikoff notes that the debt number is all about how you look at it. The US determines it's debt relative to GDP but when looking at the "fiscal gap" (the difference between the present value of government payments and receipts.) We are met with a much larger figure.

Kotlikoff cites a recent IMF report;

“Closing the fiscal gap requires a permanent annual fiscal adjustment equal to about 14 percent of U.S. GDP.”

With varied options of raising and lowering discount rates this figure can be pushed down to 12% or even 8%. I see the IMF wouldn't let you print an actual figure in your article, what does that mean in brass tax?

"In 2009, federal personal income taxes totaled 7.4 percent of GDP in the United States. To achieve present value fiscal balance would require a change in the present value of the government’s net cash flow equivalent to at least an immediate and permanent doubling of income taxes."

Oh boy. So how did this happen Larry?

"How did the United States reach its current state of what could effectively be considered bankruptcy? It spent six decades transferring ever more resources from the young to the elderly, under a variety of different programs described with a variety of labels. Many policies across many administrations from Eisenhower’s to Obama’s—cutting taxes, growing Social Security, enacting Medicare and Medicaid, spending to combat recession, and financing wars—added to the nation’s financial problems."

You mean I can't just blame Obama? But he's so smug! So what's gonna happen, will the sun explode?

"Once the world catches on to the true extent of U.S. fiscal insolvency, the ability of the United States to continue to finance its government borrowing could come to a halt."

But how do we solve the problem Larry my dear? How is Washington going to fix this?

:"One possibility, of course, is that the U.S. government will have come to grips with its fiscal problems."


"Another is that the government will print enormous quantities of money to cover its bills—with concomitant high inflation, declining confidence in banks and money market funds, and a serious test for deposit insurance. This scenario is extreme, but not improbable."

Hmm I don't know we did that in 2009 and we are planning on doing it again.

OK so what is the actual number here Lars baby? I have sheep reading this, words make their brains hurt.

$200 Trillion? Wow, if this were any other country we'd be back to living in huts. Indeed, unlike Greece or Argentina, the US is a unique example. The dollar is currently the reserve currency of the world, but signs are emerging from Asia that our time at the top of the hill is coming to an end. The only thing that can save us now is a big old neon distraction..


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wikileaks Rap

Rap News does it again with a new video about Wikileaks "Iraq War Log". These guys have always made great videos but this one has a special cameo that sends it over the top.

It is a sad state of affairs when a couple of kids from Australia can give us more truth than an organization called News Corp. This would explain why the host of a comedy show has put together what will likely be one of the largest political rallies in DC this Saturday.

Satire, the age old weapon against disgruntled old men.

Laugh, it's good for you!


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

ET Shuts Down Nukes Again?

A failure in the US nuclear missile defense system caused a temporary shut down of 1/9th of our nuclear stockpile on Saturday. From The Atlantic article;

"President Obama was briefed this morning on an engineering failure at F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming that took 50 nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), one-ninth of the U.S. missile stockpile, temporarily offline on Saturday."

Although no information was released regarding UFO activity, the timing and curious release of such sensitive defense information leads this author to think maybe this is all part of the show.

Just last month a panel of former US Air Force and other high ranking military officials gave their testimonies that "without a doubt" UFOs have been messing with our nukes.

This is playing out like some bad NBC drama. There has been a startling increase in UFO talk and sightings. A large sighting on 10/13 in Manhattan and various other parts of the world was predicted months in advance by an ex-Norad official. Just two days ago a Brooklyn resident took this video;

"They go down and then they disappear."

Hmm kinda looks like flares being dropped from a plane don't it. Reminds me of another famous "UFO sighting", the Phoenix lights;

Although there were indeed many unexplainable sightings in Phoenix in 1997, the famous video is most likely, as the US military stated, an A-10 Warthog dropping flares.

There is also a great increase of UFO related main stream media; NBC's "The Event" Spielberg and TNT's "Falling Skies", and movies like "Battle: Los Angeles" and "Skyline" both dealing with hostile alien invasions.

So what are we talking about here? Are aliens coming? Is disclosure near? Are TPTB prepping us for a mock invasion? Or is this all viral marketing for a new sci-fi era in media. This author is still unsure but I hope the ET's are coming. I'm getting tired of all of this.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

COICA - The End of Internet Freedom

A bill is moving swiftly through congress that aims to create an internet blacklist that would effectively block our access to certain websites.

From the Huffington Post article on the subject.

"The Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) was introduced just one week ago, but it's greased and ready to move, with a hearing in front of the Judiciary Committee this Thursday. If people don't speak out, US citizens could soon find themselves joining Iranians and Chinese in being blocked from accessing broad chunks of the public Internet."

My guess is The Pirate Bay and other Torrent sites will be on the top of the list.

The bill claims to be combating copyright infringement but could it be the pretext for further censoring of the internet. Could Wikileaks be a potential blacklist site?

Read the actual text of the bill on Thomas.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Assange snubs CNN

Wikileaks spokesperson Julian Assange doesn't have time for the interests of sheep. He walked out of a CNN interview when the interviewer egged him on about his personal life.

The interviewer is like; some dude said you had an attitude problem. Assange is like; 100,000 people are dead. This ain't Maury Povich Bitch!

Yes, this is what you've become CNN.

Witch Burnings in Africa

Warning: What you are about to see is extremely graphic. Supposedly this is footage of a modern day witch burning in a village in Kenya circa May 2008. The video shows five older women being thrown and kicked into a bush fire while an angry mob looks on.

Witch Burnings in Africa

Belief in witchcraft is quite normal in Africa both in traditional beliefs and imposed Christian ideology. According to an 2008 NPR report one witch doctor claims;
"people cry "witch" for any number of reasons. Sometimes, they really believe that a witch is in their midst. But sometimes, he says, accusations are made to settle petty scores."
Just another sad day in the life of sheep. There are a couple of witches in this country I'd like to see burned;

Just kidding...well maybe just tortured.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Iraq War Log

Today Wikileaks released the Iraq War Log. If you are like me, futilely trying to read some of it like every other non-sheep on the planet and over-loading the server with requests, then I feel your pain. For good summary go here.

So far some highlights; 1328 deaths from friendly fire. Talk about being your own worst enemy. There is video evidence of Iraqi on Iraqi torture that the US military chose to ignore. US allows torture? Sooo 2008. Over 60% of overall deaths are civilians. At least we know where all the AK bullets are going when they ricochet off the tanks. To be fair, a good portion of the deaths are because of insurgent bombs. Indeed there is some evidence that shows Insurgents used people with Down's syndrome as suicide bombers. But like Batman says at the end of the first Tim Burton film; "I made you, you made me first." No invasion, no insurgents. Don't bother bringing up Saddam and the Kurds. We could take this argument back to the turn of the 20th century with the end of the Ottoman Empire and the realization that all that black shit coming out of the ground was not just the Earth's annoying poo.

Wikileaks is certain they have made a "splash" with this recent release with calls from the UN for further investigations. Thanks again UN for another resolution rather than tangible solution. Frontline is calling it "The Secret War". It's not a secret, the sheep just don't care. The New York Times coverage carefully refocuses the blame all around to Iraqi police, Iran and Pakistan. We are giving them 1 billion a year and some of that is going right back to fund insurgents? Yep sounds like a US government accounting system.

Still with what I have seen in the log so far, I can't help but feel a little disappointed. Much of it is just sad reports of mistakes and unnecessary loss of life but there hasn't yet been something extremely scandalous. Don't get me wrong, it's sickening stuff but even sheep know war sucks. As both the US government and Wikileaks have stated, it's nothing new. Yeah war is hell and they lied about some stuff.

I'm afraid if Wikileaks truly wants to get the sheep's attention they need to release the stuff they can handle. That's right; UFOs and ghosts. This is what the sheep want. Imagine that, if Wikileaks held a press conference to expose the government's UFO files with undeniable proof of alien contact. Sheep don't want to see footage from Apache gunships as they mow down innocent journalists, they want to see Grey's and sexy vampires! Besides, most are desensitized from those levels in COD: Modern Warfare. Some who saw the Collateral Murder video were like "Cool, I wanna do that!".

Perhaps that's what the famous Insurance file is. A torrent that has been made available by Wikileaks and contains 1.4 Gigs of encrypted data. In the event of compromise, all Wikileaks has to do is give out the password and the thousands of brave idiots who downloaded it will uncover what is either a major cache of juicy secrets the US government doesn't want you to know or a pirated copy of The Expendables. Black mail or a bluff?

The October surprise timing of this latest release is also a bit suspect. It could be this authors NYC cynicism or paranoia induced by chemtrails but I can't help but think this might be a political ruse. Have TPTB finally learned how to manipulate internet opinion? From what I have seen rich old white men can't use computers. Regardless of what role they play, Wikileaks is already being labeled a threat to our National Security. Last time we had one of those we passed the Patriot Act. One thing you do not do is mess with the security of a nation of insecure people.

Still, this could very well be a defining moment in the Iraq War. Perhaps the civil pressure will cause Obama to keep one of his promises, a withdrawal by 2011. Maybe the fallout will be minor enough to increase transparency as Obama also promised. Politicians keeping promises?Ha! The release of a video interview with a Roswell Grey is more probable.


Friday, October 22, 2010


No doubt by now many of you have heard of Wikileaks. If you haven't, then I am sorry to wake you. Please lay back down, I will let you know if we need a doorstop.

To some, Wikileaks is a mysterious network of freedom fighters trying to create a world where all information (especially classified government) is available to everyone. To others they are a terrorist group of hackers exposing military secrets that put troops at risk. In case any of you sheep are wondering, don't worry your internet porn is not in danger.

Wikileaks is one of those one-of-a-kind things you can't believe exists. Like Michael Jackson; you can't make this up. Or can you? Currently, the drama between Wikileaks and the US government playing out in mainstream media and on countless websites is almost too exciting to be real. I mean the news is supposed to be boring right?

Tomorrow morning October 23rd 2010, Wikileaks will be holding a press conference in Europe to unveil what is expected to be the biggest information leak in history; 400,000 classified documents detailing US military activities during the Iraq War (2004-2009). If this is anything like the "Afghan Diaries" they released earlier this year, it will be another bunch of reports outlining just how much war sucks (like we didn't know). For all you sheep it will be a shitload of words that blur and make your head hurt when you try to read them. Hush now, sit down and have a Diet Pepsi.

Seriously though, I wouldn't be a good conspiracy theorist if I wasn't suspicious of this. Lets be honest, the US government is no joke. They found Saddam Hussein in a hole in the ground. (They would find Bin Laden too if they were really looking for him or if he was hanging out in an oil seep). Why can't they put an end to Wikileaks? Can they not just track down Wikileaks spokesperson Julian Assange with their super spy technology and put a bag over his head? Has the CIA run out of unmarked white vans?

Still, I want Wikileaks to be real and not just another instrument of confusion created by TPTB. You never know. I for one have been and will continue to monitor the exploits of Wikileaks. Like Obi-Wan, they may be our last hope.


P.S. Welcome to EAT THE SHEEP