So far some highlights; 1328 deaths from friendly fire. Talk about being your own worst enemy. There is video evidence of Iraqi on Iraqi torture that the US military chose to ignore. US allows torture? Sooo 2008. Over 60% of overall deaths are civilians. At least we know where all the AK bullets are going when they ricochet off the tanks. To be fair, a good portion of the deaths are because of insurgent bombs. Indeed there is some evidence that shows Insurgents used people with Down's syndrome as suicide bombers. But like Batman says at the end of the first Tim Burton film; "I made you, you made me first." No invasion, no insurgents. Don't bother bringing up Saddam and the Kurds. We could take this argument back to the turn of the 20th century with the end of the Ottoman Empire and the realization that all that black shit coming out of the ground was not just the Earth's annoying poo.
Wikileaks is certain they have made a "splash" with this recent release with calls from the UN for further investigations. Thanks again UN for another resolution rather than tangible solution. Frontline is calling it "The Secret War". It's not a secret, the sheep just don't care. The New York Times coverage carefully refocuses the blame all around to Iraqi police, Iran and Pakistan. We are giving them 1 billion a year and some of that is going right back to fund insurgents? Yep sounds like a US government accounting system.
Still with what I have seen in the log so far, I can't help but feel a little disappointed. Much of it is just sad reports of mistakes and unnecessary loss of life but there hasn't yet been something extremely scandalous. Don't get me wrong, it's sickening stuff but even sheep know war sucks. As both the US government and Wikileaks have stated, it's nothing new. Yeah war is hell and they lied about some stuff.
I'm afraid if Wikileaks truly wants to get the sheep's attention they need to release the stuff they can handle. That's right; UFOs and ghosts. This is what the sheep want. Imagine that, if Wikileaks held a press conference to expose the government's UFO files with undeniable proof of alien contact. Sheep don't want to see footage from Apache gunships as they mow down innocent journalists, they want to see Grey's and sexy vampires! Besides, most are desensitized from those levels in COD: Modern Warfare. Some who saw the Collateral Murder video were like "Cool, I wanna do that!".
Perhaps that's what the famous Insurance file is. A torrent that has been made available by Wikileaks and contains 1.4 Gigs of encrypted data. In the event of compromise, all Wikileaks has to do is give out the password and the thousands of brave idiots who downloaded it will uncover what is either a major cache of juicy secrets the US government doesn't want you to know or a pirated copy of The Expendables. Black mail or a bluff?
The October surprise timing of this latest release is also a bit suspect. It could be this authors NYC cynicism or paranoia induced by chemtrails but I can't help but think this might be a political ruse. Have TPTB finally learned how to manipulate internet opinion? From what I have seen rich old white men can't use computers. Regardless of what role they play, Wikileaks is already being labeled a threat to our National Security. Last time we had one of those we passed the Patriot Act. One thing you do not do is mess with the security of a nation of insecure people.
Still, this could very well be a defining moment in the Iraq War. Perhaps the civil pressure will cause Obama to keep one of his promises, a withdrawal by 2011. Maybe the fallout will be minor enough to increase transparency as Obama also promised. Politicians keeping promises?Ha! The release of a video interview with a Roswell Grey is more probable.

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