Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pentagonese Child Porn and The Poetry of Jared Lee Loughner

Sorry for the long blog title but I wanted to kill two red winged black birds with one stone.

You would have to try very hard not to know about the shootings in Arizona earlier this week but I know you sheep are good at what you do so here is a quick recap.

So the sad outcome is these recent victims are the first of the 9,000 people who will be murdered by firearms in the US in 2011. About 150 will be in Arizona and between 2-10% of those victims will be under 14.

Then there's this...

The shooter's youtube account has three videos and has in his favorites another video which is likely authored by him as well. Along with his Above Top Secret account and Earth Empire posts he has shown a unique and consistent literary style.

address contradiction
new statement

For example;

A chicken lays an egg and the chicken sperm does not fertilize it.

The chicken has unfertilized eggs

The chickens eggs are unfertilized.

Dubbed "Psycho Haiku" by Duncan Trussell the well known Dutch author, his poems are at times incoherent and bizarre. But not as bizarre as his mugshot.


I not a full fledged neurologist or even half fledged. Actually I'm not fledged at all, in anything but based on the evidence above I'm gonna say this kid has a mental problem.

OK maybe it's just the lighting.

Now, the child porn.

They were searching for people downloading child porn and they called it project Flicker. Yahoo's stock is holding steady, for now.

Pentagon employees were not allowed to view Wikileaks but they could download all the child porn they wanted? I bet there are ice creams stands in the halls of the Pentagon.

I just compared child porn to ice cream. Ugh, I need sleep.


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