If you were semi-conscious in 1977 you may remember when Elvis died.
In early news reports they stated the King of Rock "collapsed in his mansion", which is a very eloquent way to put it. In reality we know from leaked information that the King died on his toilet from cardiac arrhythmia caused by an overdose of a medley of prescription drugs; codeine, Valium, morphine, and Demorol.
Artist's rendering:
Thanks to his father Vernon Presley, the rest of the details won't be available until 2027, two years before Kurzweil's Singularity. By that time no one will care for it is well known that robots do not like Elvis.
I know what you're thinking; "What does this have to do with me?" I knew you were thinking that because that's the first thing any sheep thinks about when confronted with an idea.
Looking back we can see the King's decline in the years before his death. In 1986 a book was released about his final years in which Elvis' guitarist John Wilkinson recalled:
"He was all gut. He was slurring. He was so fucked up. ... It was obvious he was drugged. It was obvious there was something terribly wrong with his body. It was so bad the words to the songs were barely intelligible. ... I remember crying. He could barely get through the introductions"His doctor George Nichopoulos (aka Dr. Nick) later admitted he wrote the King prescriptions for 10,000 doses of narcotics in 1977 alone...because he cared.

Recently another King died of a drug overdose and just like Elvis, his doctor was named his murderer by many fans. In "This Is It", when Michael Jackson speaks during rehearsals he seems "not all there". After watching the documentary, the title had a whole new meaning for me; less "anticipation" more "evidence".
It's easy to make these claims in hindsight. It's harder to make the call before it gets really bad, unless you are paying close attention to the signs.
For Elvis it was:
a) Fat
b) Addicted to substances
c) Unable to stand up
For MJ:
a) Batshit crazy
b) Heavily In Debt
c) A comeback that never came
For both there was a self-destructive level of overindulgence that ultimately took it's toll on the Kings.
And now my point.
The US has been for the last 100 years a beacon to the rest of the world. America was one of the central governing bodies behind the bulging of the middle class that shot the global population up 700% in the last century. It fostered in a new era of technology, medicine, and commerce that gave a simple man the opportunity to live like a king.
That time is ending.
The signs are all there. In the macro sense, the US government has grown considerably. The military consumes nearly a quarter of the Federal budget leaving little money for funding domestic social services. Despite a necessary call for renewable energies and the threat of peak everything, the nation is still hopelessly addicted to oil. Because of emerging global markets, outsourcing and the internet the US is not producing and consuming as it once was. Despite large cash injections the future still looks uncertain and at times bleak.
In the Micro, the average American person matches the country as a whole. Here is the first result of a google image search for "average American":
Just like the other kings, most Americans are on some sort of pharmaceutical or drug. Cancer, diabetes and obesity are the leading causes of death. Many citizens are devoid of critical thought, participating and existing in a superficial world completely disconnected from the real one. This includes persons like corporations which based on their actions are often deemed psychopathic.
An then there are our elected leaders, who prove to us on a daily basis just how fucked up (normal) they really are.

Yes, it's a cock. Sit down, I'm not finished.
Last year I wrote a blog entry called "The US is Bankrupt". I'll let you sheep figure out the point of that.
Recently S&P, a leading US financial research company downgraded the US from a stable to a negative rating. Their reason?
"…very large budget deficits and rising government indebtedness and the path to addressing these is not clear to us."
And just yesterday a Chinese ratings house claimed the US has already defaulted on its massive debt.
You may remember the Chinese as the former principle holder of US debt.' The new top dog is...the US. Well, not exactly, we owe the Federal Reserve, which is a private organization, publicly governed (by it's friends).
"A year ago, at the end of June 2010, according to data released by the Fed and the U.S. Treasury Department, the Fed trailed China by a wide margin, owning $777 billion in U.S. Treasury securities compared to China’s $1.1121 trillion.
But in August 2010 the Fed started marginally increasing its holdings of U.S. debt, according the Fed’s monthly balance sheets. By the end of August, the Fed owned $784 billion in U.S. debt. By the end of September, it owned $812 billion. And by the end of October, it owned $838 billion."
To offset what is becoming a financial death spiral the Fed's solution is to inject more money into the system. Though this comes with a very real threat of inflation (which means a drop in individual purchasing power) it is the only solution short of a complete overhaul or an economic miracle. Though, historically, some miracles are not all they are cracked up to be.
"At first, the credit-expansion appears to be a stimulated process of economic growth. Interest rates fall, capital values rise and entrepreneurs profit by building up the capital structure. The capital construction cannot be completed, however, since genuine saving is insufficient. The boom rests on a lie, viz., artificially low interest rates, and once the lie is exposed, the boom must end and the bust must follow."
- Jeffrey M. Herbener
So there you have it. The signs are all around. This is it. We are fat, sick, broke and going crazy and no matter who we elect into office nothing is going to change. Just like anyone who is addicted, we have to quit the drugs, take better care of ourselves, and get away from the bad people who keep us addicted.
I'm not gonna end this article on a joke because this shit isn't funny anymore.
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