Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Zeitgeist 3

Dear Sheep,

If you don't know about the Zeitgeist films, check that junk pile in your brain called 'conspiracy theories and other communist propaganda'. Perhaps you heard Zeitgeist mentioned by ABC News as the dangerous inspiration for Arizona shooter Jared Lee Loughner killing spree but mistook it for a faction of Al Qaeda.

If you have managed to ignore the films thus far, watch out because there are three of them now.

The films highlight a bunch of "conspiracy theories" or "fundamental world problems" depending on who you ask. As the author of the article linked above noted they are indeed anti-religious, anti-nationalist, and anti-capitalist but they are about as dangerous as a granola festival. Seriously, unless you are allergic to hemp and pontification, these films pose no more threat than can be withstood by your epic levels of denial.

This third installment runs 2 hours and 44 minutes. I wrote an in-depth review on my other blog, but it contains a lot of big words so I'll sum it up for you;
Humans are cool. Money is whack. Fuck that shit, lets build utopia.
If you are feeling a sudden need to go out and shoot people I'd make an appointment with your neurologist first to see if there isn't somebody else in there with you, perhaps a gun-toting, bible clutching, republican. Oh wait, that is you.

It could be worse, you could be a snobby, pseudo-intellectual, socialist liberal, that thinks they know what is best for the entire world.

Is it a good film? Should I watch it?

This isn't Roger Eberts' blog and I'm not gonna tell you what to do. But if you are going to spend 3 hours watching something, you could at least watch something relevant. I bet you sat through 9 hours of Lord of The Rings movies and unless you live in the Shire, they told you nothing about the world around you.

Is it all true?

The third film has some simple points that the filmmaker spends hours trying to prove scientifically. Some people insist upon being burdened by proof. The stuff in these films is about as true as anything anyone can tell you. You have check your facts and trust your sources. Do your own research. And yes, it's true.

Will it make me a homicidal maniac?

A nice suit doesn't make a homeless man less homeless. If you decide to kill people after watching this film, it's because you were a homicidal maniac to begin with, you just needed an excuse.

If you are still worried about it, look at a butter knife; it's meant to spread butter, but in the right hands it becomes a deadly weapon. If you remove the butter knives people will kill each other with spoons. The question you should ask is 'why do they want to kill each other in the first place?' Don't say "human nature" because you aren't humans, you're sheep.

Stop hypothetically asking me questions and just watch it on youtube. It will be up on youtube January 25th before midnight.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pentagonese Child Porn and The Poetry of Jared Lee Loughner

Sorry for the long blog title but I wanted to kill two red winged black birds with one stone.

You would have to try very hard not to know about the shootings in Arizona earlier this week but I know you sheep are good at what you do so here is a quick recap.

So the sad outcome is these recent victims are the first of the 9,000 people who will be murdered by firearms in the US in 2011. About 150 will be in Arizona and between 2-10% of those victims will be under 14.

Then there's this...

The shooter's youtube account has three videos and has in his favorites another video which is likely authored by him as well. Along with his Above Top Secret account and Earth Empire posts he has shown a unique and consistent literary style.

address contradiction
new statement

For example;

A chicken lays an egg and the chicken sperm does not fertilize it.

The chicken has unfertilized eggs

The chickens eggs are unfertilized.

Dubbed "Psycho Haiku" by Duncan Trussell the well known Dutch author, his poems are at times incoherent and bizarre. But not as bizarre as his mugshot.


I not a full fledged neurologist or even half fledged. Actually I'm not fledged at all, in anything but based on the evidence above I'm gonna say this kid has a mental problem.

OK maybe it's just the lighting.

Now, the child porn.

They were searching for people downloading child porn and they called it project Flicker. Yahoo's stock is holding steady, for now.

Pentagon employees were not allowed to view Wikileaks but they could download all the child porn they wanted? I bet there are ice creams stands in the halls of the Pentagon.

I just compared child porn to ice cream. Ugh, I need sleep.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Dead Blackbirds

If by chance you sheep have managed to raise your good lazy eye and focus on something in the world other than your reflection, you may have seen the reports about these dead birds and fish everywhere.

If not, it's OK a non-sheep has been kind enough to put it all in one place for you;


If there are too many options to choose from or you are not feeling bold enough to read a large amount of words pertaining to something other than Kim Kardashian here is a video;

DISCLAIMER: The following does not contain dancing animals or poop references;

Experts puzzled about mass bird deaths @ Yahoo! Video

And of course we must have Kirk Cameron's take on the subject.

So if the History Channel specials are doing their job, you are probably thinking 2012 or something similar. Before you get your bucket list, lets get our old friend SCIENCE in here and see if he can't help us figure this one out.

Whenever sheep talk about ghosts, I always ask the same question "Why does catching a whiff of Chanel no. 5 make you think your grandma has defied physics?" I understand the connection that scent has with death, I've been to nursing homes.

But it seems like a big jump. It's the same with UFO's; some redneck sees a light in the sky and the obvious conclusion in his mind is it's interstellar travelers from another planet. I'm not saying those things don't exist, but how bout letting me in on the secret alchemical magic that is your logistic reasoning?

Sheep can't be burdened with such things as proof, they start with the answer first then try to prove it. Thanks to the internet you are just one google search away from finding a video or article to back up your ignorant point.

That being said, here is an article I found on google that turns our signs of the apocalypse into something even worse, normalcy.

From the article;
"Since the 1970s, the U.S. Geological Survey's National Wildlife Health Center in Wisconsin has tracked mass deaths among birds, fish and other critters, said wildlife disease specialist LeAnn White....In the past eight months, the USGS has logged 95 mass wildlife die-offs in North America and that's probably a dramatic undercount, White said..."

The reality, say biologists, is that these mass die-offs happen all the time and usually are unrelated....Federal records show they happen on average every other day somewhere in North America. Usually, we don't notice them and don't try to link them to each other...."

So lets look at the options here.

A) It's Chemtrails because the government secretly hates us and wants us all dead even though we write their checks

B) The Earth is over the whole "life" thing

C) One curious news story has prompted news reporters to search for stories of similar content exposing the masses to a microcosm of occurrences that happen all the time but regularly go unnoticed because there aren't enough boobs/angry muslims involved.

Which seems the most likely? I'll let you decide.

Don't get me wrong sheep, I'm not saying this isn't important. The fact that mass deaths of animals are the norm is kind of a scary thought.

Besides if you are concerned with the end of the world as we know it you may want to focus your attention on the continuing downward spiral that is our economy. We are approaching the US debt limit; the number set by Congress to limit debt accumulation.

For you sheep, it's like the point which you know if you take another sip of that redbull and vodka you are going to spend the rest of the night either fighting with your girlfriend or hugging a toilet and because of all the taurine in your system the sweet relief of sleep won't come until about 11am.

The current solution is to do what we've done before when we reach this limit, raise it!

Timmy Geithner is basically saying instead of drinking less, we should drink more so we build up a tolerance. Spoken like a true frat boy. We'll see what happens when the country wakes up one morning not remembering the night before and finds the car on the front lawn sitting on cinderblocks, the credit card maxed out, an eviction notice on the front door, and a strange old man sleeping next to you talking about 'trust me, my dad was president'.

Too late.